Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fallon, NV 4-17-07

Up early this morning and got our yoga done, we were on the road a bit after nine. It was cold and breezy. We fueled up in Tonopah and paid $3.06 for diesel; back where we didn’t get fuel it was $3.30 just a few blocks away. At these prices it pays to shop around when you get as many gallons as we do. As we headed north it got warmer, it was in the 70’s in Mina and at Walker Lake. Walker Lake was a gorgeous color today. We were slowed down a bit for several miles south of Henderson because they were painting the center lines. They had a huge line of traffic behind them before they quit and headed into town.

We got into Fallon just after one and just as we pulled into the fairgrounds the wind started kicking up with a vengeance. By the time we got into the campground the wind was gusting and blowing dirt and sand really bad. Opening the doors and getting them closed again was a pain. We hadn’t seen bad winds like this since we were in Lakewood, NM last year. Glad we weren’t driving in it. We drove about 175 miles today.

We had stuff to take care of this afternoon here in Fallon and we aren’t sure if we’ll get back on the road tomorrow or the next day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...