Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Last day in Genessee 5-2-07

These photos were mostly taken on a walk I took with my friends on Saturday, lots of stunningly large Ponderosa Pine trees and a lovely, long gopher snake. The creek is Indian Creek that runs behind the house where we are staying. Today it is a raging river because of today’s rain.

Sorry for the lack of entries. We have just been busy. We have had a phenomenal week. So much of what we have been about the last few years is coming together for us and it is all very exciting. Much of our three years on the road has been about learning about ourselves and each other and tying up the loose ends of our lives up until now. We have always set our focus on a positive outcome and trust that where ever we end up will be perfect and of course it has always worked! Coming back to where our journey began has been so much fun and has been validating for the choices we have made. We have re-connected with most all the people that have been important to us and it has been fascinating to see where we have all gotten to the last few years. Some, like us, seem to be moving at fast-forward speed and some are still trying to manage the steering, but it is all cool.

The weather this past week was lovely; temps in the high 70’s and sunny! Today it is raining and tomorrow we hit the road. Time to move on!

If any of you have watched or read “The Secret”, try reading “The Law of Attraction” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. We feel like this gave us the more direct connection to the information instead of being interpreted by so many different people. We have to get our own copies (we have been reading a friends) because we want to have our own that we can mark up! I haven’t been this excited by a book since I read “Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting” and “The Conversation with God” series.

The last picture is of our friends Mary and Ronnie Silva’s cute, well behaved Miniature Chihuahua. First little dog I have seen that isn’t a crazed, yippy pest, she never barked the whole time we were there. Yay, Nina.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...