Sunday, January 28, 2007

Relaxing 1-28-07

Yesterday and today were pretty much the same for us. We did our yoga and got going for the day. Called Aunt Gretchen to see what the game plan was and both yesterday and today she got rides up to Touchstone to see Darcy with friends of Darcy’s. Yesterday rained most of the morning and was cloudy most of the day. Today was sunny, but windy and cold.

I grabbed this picture of this Cardinal yesterday. I could hear him singing, but couldn’t find him. Larry saw him eventually. They have such a distinctive song. Larry worked on scanning pictures and I puttered around doing this and that. We’ve done so much driving in the last month that it was nice not going anywhere.

Darcy’s weekends are free and she can have visitors. Aunt Gretchen said Darcy is in quite a lot of pain still, but they have her on very mild medication. With brain trauma there are many medications that have such an adverse affect on the brain that they shouldn’t be used. We’ll see Darcy and Aunt Gretchen tomorrow. We all have errands to do.

Oh, our Son-in-law Darel fulfilled a dream of his last night. He fought his first amateur-level fight in the “sport” of Cage Fighting. He won against his opponent in one minute forty-five seconds. Larry thinks that now he should retire undefeated! We think he is nuts because we worry about his health. Getting the crap beat out of you in a “cage” seems kind of stupid to us. Darel says that only happens if you’re losing. Crazy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update about Darcy, and just for being there for Aunt Gretchen. I know your support means a ton! Thank you so much for helping so much!

I'm another cousin (Wendy Wollin) who is just in awe that Darcy has done so well, especially considering all the trauma she went through. Thank you again for all your love and support!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...