Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Day 17 & last day in Houston! 1-24-07

Rained all night and morning. The jets were on their path right over us today. Glad to be leaving them behind, I am tired of keeping them from falling on me, like I would have any control over it!

This first picture shows what Larry had to deal with on our breakdown this morning. Steady rain, and Texas swamposis. The water does not soak into the clay, we’ve been told the water table is very high here. Wherever there is construction being done it is just sloppy with Texas clay that looks like you could get stuck forever in it.

The truck was serviced on Saturday and for some reason Larry decided to look under it and to his surprise discovered that the truck had NOT been lubed. OOH, he was mad, and high-tailed to the dealership. The first guy he talked to told him our model didn’t require lubing, Larry told him he was wrong, so the guy told him to talk to someone inside. Larry got the guy that worked with him on Saturday and he took the truck back himself, had it lubed and then apologized to Larry for the screw-up. Now how many other trucks had the first yo-yo been working on that didn’t get lubed, but people were charged for it?!

So after he got back he slogged through the standing water and rain and got us all disconnected from everything and then hooked-up. We drove all of 24 miles, but it shaves off 48 miles from visiting Darcy and our new home is not at the end of the Large Airport’s runway!

We were all set back up around one. Then we went foraging for groceries. Found the SuperWalmart not far from us. This picture is of the parking lot patrol. Horses are still used a lot here in Texas. After we put the groceries away we went to Darcy’s house and picked up Aunt Gretchen and then headed up to Touchstone. Takes about 25 minutes, and we found a route where we don’t have to get on the interstate. It is a very pretty drive. Lots of pine trees.

Darcy was glad to get her clothes. She had the rest of her hair cut off and then put on real clothes. She is looking better, but she is pushing it and doesn’t rest enough. She’ll stay still if I am massaging some part of her, but as soon as I finish, instead of snoozing or resting, she jumps up (which she isn’t supposed to be doing) and has to go somewhere. She is supposed to slow down. Long way to go on impulse control! Though there has been progress!

She called me the “good” cousin, which I found hilarious and I'm not sure she meant it nicely. At least she didn’t call me boring! I’ve been able to tease her and make her laugh which has been really nice. She thinks she knows me I’m sure, but when you have hardly seen someone during all their grown up years, I bet I would surprise her. I’ve learned a long time ago that one should try not to make snap judgments about someone else’s life.

Anyway I digress; so we visited a couple hours and then we headed back to Darcy’s house and we had a relaxing dinner with Gretchen and now it is time for bed! This last picture if of our new home, this is out our front door. Maybe tomorrow, I can get a picture with some sunshine in it.

Almost forgot, Touchstone's mailing address for Darcy Willis: Touchstone, PO Box 929, Conroe, Texas, 77305. Touchstone's physical address: 9297 Wahrenberger Road, Conroe, Texas, 77304-2441

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...