Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 8 in Houston 1-15-07

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we had the A/C on to help with the humidity and today it was heaters. The low this morning was 41, the high was 52 and right now at 8 p.m. it is 36. The low since we have been here was around 67. We have been here a week today.

It rained most all night and this morning. Our area looks like a swamp. We got downtown to Gretchen’s little apartment. It was 39, windy and raining. Like fools we figured it wouldn’t be too bad walking the 8 blocks to the hospital (about .5 mile). By the time we got into the hospital we realized it wasn’t our best decision. The wind was cutting and the rain was no fun at all. Waiting at the traffic lights was the worst part. But we survived and in a couple hours our stuff was dry.

Darcy was a little better today. We had to wait all day to talk to her doctor, but he was very patient with us and answered all of our questions. She is drinking fluids and eating better.

Sitting in the visitor’s waiting room between our visits with Darcy is really hard. There are so many grieving families dealing with horrible tragedies. Today one family was dealing with the “unplugging” of their loved one. We are very grateful for the recovery of our loved one! No matter how long it takes, Darcy is recovering.

We headed “home” around 5. Today being a holiday the traffic wasn’t very bad. It is way too cold though. Hope this doesn’t last long! Later this week we hope to take a tour of the Neurorecovery Center that Darcy may be going to. In addition to the staff and program the grounds sound wonderfully healing. It is on 26 acres of beautiful grounds, not a hospital building in a city.

Happy Birthday to Larry's Mom! Carol is __ today.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...