Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 5 in Houston 1-12-07

Last night didn’t get below 67 degrees! Seeing the weather in Chimacum, are we happy to be down here! The high today was 80, it was overcast and humid. We went down town again. Larry helped Gretchen with a couple of things and then we walked to the hospital. Darcy wasn’t as agitated today and ate and drank more today. We left early to beat the bad traffic, but we were just on the edge heading out around 3. We talked to Aunt Gretchen tonight and Darcy had an x-ray of her pelvis to see how the fracture is healing. Darcy’s sister and brother-in-law arrived today from California; Debbie and Eric. They had a good visit and Debbie was able to get some food in her. We’ll see them all tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a longer entry tomorrow.

I just want to say here, as I learn more and more about brain trauma, that if ANY of you out there get on a bicycle for even 2 minutes without a helmet are setting themselves and their loved ones for a LOT of pain. It is the number one cause of brain trauma and they are called “accidents” for a reason. Nobody sets out to fall on their head, but it happens and brain trauma ultimately changes who you are! Please, Please wear helmets!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...