Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 4 in Houston 1-11-07

Today we were up and out. We had to get downtown by 10:30 for a meeting at the hospital. Not knowing how bad the commuter traffic would be we headed out at 8:30. We jumped on the Hardy Toll road; the section we were on was only $1.00. We zipped on down to down town but then we crawled around the skyscrapers in all the traffic. We were parked in front of Gretchen’s little apartment at 9:15 so it only took us an extra 15 minutes.

We were at the hospital in time for the meeting, but of course the person we were to meet had to be tracked down. In the interim we talked to Darcy’s Doctor and were informed of a setback in Darcy’s recovery. She has a urinary infection and a blood infection. We won’t know until the cultures come back exactly what kind of infection, but she will have to be on 14 days of antibiotics and this could delay her release from the hospital.

Today was another hard day. Adjusting to brain trauma will be very hard for the people around Darcy. She is very agitated, and confused and from all we have learned that may be her state for awhile. The rehabilitation I talk about is for her brain trauma. We won’t know for awhile yet how extensive her retraining will need to be, but there is absolutely no doubt that it will be happening.

We left for our place at 2 to beat the traffic and hopefully get in some relaxation time. We fueled up the truck and stopped for some groceries. Cities are noisy and smelly, but at least Houston is slower paced as far as cities go. Their signage is pretty good, so with our map and me watching signs, while Larry watches the traffic we have cruised right along. We have to get on 3 different freeways to get to the Med Center. Today it was cloudy and in the 70’s.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...