Friday, January 26, 2007

Darcy's Miracle 1-26-07

Yesterday was a long day and we got home late. We started our day with yoga; was painful but good. It had been several days since we had done it. I worked for awhile on cataloguing pictures. This Egret was in the tree next to one of the ponds in our park.

We went over to Darcy’s house to do laundry, help Gretchen with a few things, Larry washed the truck and I threw dinner into a crockpot. We then headed over to Touchstone and Gretchen had a whole big bag of stuff that Darcy had “requested” from home.

She is settling into her new home. No one wants to be in the situation that Darcy has found herself in, but as some of you know, my outlook on life is everything happens for a reason. It has been proven to me over and over again just from the observations in my own life and of those around me. God/the Universe gives us little nudges along our paths and if we don’t pay attention those nudges become shoves and in Darcy’s case, a serious body-slam. She came to Texas for a new beginning, she is getting it, just not the one she thought she wanted. There are so many circumstances, that added up, equal a miracle for Darcy. Her accident involved no one else. A nurse was on the scene immediately and helped control the bleeding from Darcy’s head. The hospital she was transported to gave her 7 pints of blood and then she was airlifted to Houston where there was a top-notch trauma center. She flat-lined, essentially died during transport, and I believe if she was meant to go “home” she wouldn’t have been resuscitated. There are a couple other events that I don’t feel I am at liberty to divulge here. Then, one of the best Neuro-recovery centers in the country and only one of two in Texas is just up the road from where Darcy lived and where her accident occurred. Yes, her injuries were moderate brain trauma; fractured skull, occipital bones, clavicle, scapula, multiple ribs, pelvis and sacrum (tailbone); internal damages and in spite of all this she didn’t break any limbs and she isn’t horribly disfigured. We all know what other really bad things could have happened, but didn’t, like broken neck, back, paralysis, severe brain damage or death.

Darcy is healing well and we feel that she is fortunate to be able to get the specialized care that Touchstone provides. Now, as I have said before, my blog, my views! I believe that Darcy now has the chance to “be” the change that was needed in her life. She has been humbled by the other residents at her temporary home. She has living, breathing examples of how lucky she is and how bad it may have been for her. It has really been a gift for Larry and me to be participants in this part of Darcy’s journey. WE have learned so much and are happy that we have been able to give Darcy and her family our moral support by being here.

We were present when the Doctor that will be working with Darcy at Touchstone came in to talk to her and meet all of us. We were very impressed by Dr. Leder. He was relaxed, patient, knowledgeable and caring. He was very honest and up front with Darcy and in turn was very patient in alleviating her and her families concerns. He made us feel like he would have sat there for three hours if that is what it would have taken and as it was he was there for an hour. The staff at Touchstone that is working with Darcy has been very impressive. On a lot a levels that she can’t really appreciate right now, she is exactly where she is supposed to be at this place in her life. There is the potential for her to come out of this “situation” a happier person. She has a lot of challenges ahead of her, but so do all the people in Darcy’s life. She needs this time to heal, reflect and hopefully branch out into a new direction. I hope all the people that love her support her during this time. Darcy’s healing process can’t be pushed, not even by her.

The sun was out yesterday and Darcy “wheeled” around the grounds and got some fresh air and sunshine. My crockpot meal turned out wonderfully and we were glad to have it as we got away from Touchstone so late.

Today Darcy was busy getting started on physical therapy, life skills and learning the lay of the land. Both the Program Director and the Doctor took the time to talk to us again and the Doctor had seen Darcy briefly again today. The staff is always present and available which is nice. Way different than the hospital experience…that will be another story! We left after a short visit with Darcy. Aunt Gretchen had a ride home with Liz, a friend.

We had hoped to catch some sunshine after we got home, but the clouds had started moving in. We had our first ever meal at a Quiznos. We really enjoyed it. As you can tell I came home and decided to write an epic blog entry. Actually it wasn’t a conscious decision; I was just in the “groove”.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...