Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 3 in Houston 1-10-07

Today was a long day. We can’t believe how tired we are still. This morning the truck got a bath. We spent the day at the hospital with my Aunt and Cousin. Today we were able to talk to Darcy’s Doctor and different therapists. She is healing really well. We just hope her brain’s healing goes as fast, though everyone told us today that it takes the brain longer to heal than the body. We of course want Darcy to prove them all wrong. She took a few spins around the corridors in a wheel chair. No walking until her pelvis heals. She ate a bit today too. She was pretty busy today so she even got in a nap.

The low today was 40 and the high was 71. Being inside a city building we don’t get to appreciate the great weather down here. I guess it is going to cool off and we may even get some rain…drat. Houston’s freeways and surface streets remind us a lot of the Los Angeles area. It is cleaner and people aren’t barreling down the freeway doing 70+ like they do in L.A. People seem more relaxed here overall, but I still wouldn’t want to live here.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...