Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tonopah, NV 11-5

Here I am, back in the world of satellite internet! We had a lovely, restful week in Mesquite, NV. It was nice to be within walls and sit on real furniture. Soaking up the sun on the patio like a lizard was a big plus too! It was fun visiting with Larry’s Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gene. Uncle Gene is fun to tease and Auntie is a SAINT. These first pictures are of the Virgin River Canyon between St. George, Utah and Mesquite, Nevada.

Tomorrow Larry turns 49 and we celebrated with Auntie and Uncle on Friday evening. They surprised him with one of his favorite cakes and decorations.

We were up early this morning, it gets light earlier now and with this latest time change we have had a little trouble catching up. We got all our stuff put away in the trailer and then had a nice breakfast with Auntie and Uncle. We were hooked up and on the road around 9:35.

We were heading to Tonopah, NV. We headed west on 15 from Mesquite and then northish on 168 to 93 to 375 to 6. Nevada is just huge expanses of mountains, rocks and scrub. No trees or cactus or yuccas in the central part. It has its own expansive beauty against the endless sky.

We landed on the eastern-most side of Tonopah at the Joy-Land RV Park. It is $14 with Good Sam for full hook-ups and cable. We are right next to highway 6, but it isn’t very busy and we haven’t heard a single semi-truck yet. We traveled 264 miles and got in around 3:00. Tomorrow we will be heading on into Fallon, NV.

I had hoped to get a good picture of a Road Runner. One had gone through the backyard while we were sitting out on the patio, me without my camera of course. Uncle said he sees one most every morning. So a couple days later Uncle and I are sitting on the patio and he says look, look and up on the wall were TWO road runners. They ran along the patio roof boards above our heads and then flew down into the yard. I figured as soon as I went into the house to get my camera they would be gone. So they of course zigged and zagged all over the yard. I went inside to get my camera and here comes the road runner waltzing right up to the glass door. As usual here is my typical photo of wildlife!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...