Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sunny Day Chores 11-25

Today we had SUN! We took a walk to get our dose of Vitamin D. It was cold, but the sun was nice. The county fairgrounds are across the road from us and we go past it to get to the park. Today there were lots of horse trailers packed in. We didn’t check it out because we had to get back for our morning toast and peanut butter.

After breakfast it was time for sunny day chores. I cracked opened the vents and windows so they could dry out. Lots of condensation in the winter. Larry worked on fixing a leak we have in our bedroom slideout and washing the vent covers. Then it was back to pulling photos out of albums, editing, and then scanning. I worked on finishing xmas gifts that I have been crocheting.

As the sun stayed out we took another walk, we were heading to the park but we decided to go into the stadium and see what the horses were up too. It was a big barrel racing event. We watched that for over an hour and then the cold and our growling stomachs said it was time to head back home for lunch.

That was pretty much our day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...