Monday, November 13, 2006

Talent, OR 11-12-06

First off I want to say to our friends and family that we are skimming by on our way north, we will catch up with you next spring or summer! We are pushing the envelope with the weather and I badly wanted to stop in Cassel today and visit with our friends there and we will be going past my Aunt and Uncle’s tomorrow, but we are dodging storms!

This morning we pulled out of Genesee at 9:30. Easier getting out, than getting in! The low this morning was 26 and it was barely 33 when we pulled out. Water was frozen all over the truck and pine needles and leaves were frozen to the tops of the slide-outs…brrrrrr. The first pictures are of frozen Indian Valley.

We headed north on highway 89 to 147 north around the east side of Lake Almanor. Mount Lassen had a nice coating of snow, it was mostly bare when we saw it day before yesterday! Then we headed east on highway 36. Snow on the ground and on the trees, but the roads were bare. From Westwood we took A-21 north, then 44 north and then back on 89 north. They have been re-paving and widening the shoulders along much of 89 north of Burney Falls. They have cleared the trees and brush way back and have paved shoulders instead of dirt. It will be nice when it is all finished. It was 35 degrees most of the day until we hit I-5 south of Weed. I think we might have hit 40 for a bit. We stopped at the rest area north of Weed and had a sandwich. We hit Oregon at 3:25 and it was cloudy, foggy and dim. We were heading over the Ashland Grade at 3:30 and it was starting to snow and it was very windy and back down to 32 degrees. It was slow going, but always important when you want to be safe! People all just seem to be in such a hurry…doesn’t do them much good if they end up in the hospital or dead!

As we got to our destination in Talent, Oregon it was raining pretty hard with gusty wind. There was just one site left available, this park is full of “permanents”. American RV Resort is its name and definitely a misnomer! But we are happy…we have electricity and cable, so we are warm and entertained. We traveled 260 miles.

We are also thankful we got over the mountains when we did. By 7:00 there were chain controls over Ashland Grade and multiple vehicle slide-outs!

This last picture is of Mount Shasta in California from highway 89, regal as ever but hiding out in the clouds!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...