Monday, November 13, 2006

Albany, OR 11-13

It was a wild ride last night and we were parked! It was gusty winds and heavy rain for most of the evening. Quiet for the rest of the night so we were able to get our beauty rest!

We were on the road by 9:30. We had clouds, fog and rain off and on all day. The drive went well, we stopped a couple times and found our home for the next month around 1:30. We had traveled 219 miles today. We are at Knox Butte RV Park in Albany, Oregon. There were only a couple sites available so we were glad we had made reservations. We noticed that a lot a RV parks up here in Oregon are pretty full with permanents. The owner here had three that were going to go south for the winter but changed their minds…fuel costs. We are in an end site and we back up to a swift little creek…which we hope stays within its banks! I forgot to take pictures of our site today, so maybe tomorrow.

Michelle and Seth stopped by for a couple of hours, so I got to kiss and hug on one of the boys! He talks up a storm and is completely boy! I am going to have to get tougher teddy bears, mine are too delicate. I’ll have to get pics of Michelle, she looks real good and is keeping busy with school and being a wife and Mom.

Andrea and Ian will be up here next weekend for the week of Thanksgiving so that will be lots of fun. This month will go by really fast. We have shopping to do and then we have photos that we have stored at Michelle’s to go through and start scanning into the computer. And lots of spoiling of Grandsons! Who needs sun?

We are done traversing the country for awhile now that we have done it. For the next couple years we just plan on running around between the girls and friends and family and taking little exploration forays when we feel like it. Don’t worry Lori, we’ll make a trip out to Ohio somewhere in there!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...