Saturday, May 03, 2014

More natural entertainment

Two of the lizards were at it again, but this time they had turned on their crazy colors!  Usually they range in color from light gray to black, this is the first time I had seen such vibrant colors.  One lizard actually danced sideways away from the other one, it was funny to watch, I wish I had gotten video.  It's amazing how fast they can move and how much ground they can cover.

Finished my shawl

Finally finished my mystery square
throw.  I used yarn I had and really
enjoyed new techniques.

Gracie enjoying my cousin Linda's lap

Trying to give you perspective on how huge these
blooms are.

Taking a picture of my hair length and after
noticed my picture in picture...funny.

Yum yum, tastes like chicken!

At the top she looks bored, while
below he chatters away.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...