Thursday, May 29, 2014

More catching up photos

Boscobel, one of the newbies

See the hummingbird?

Amazing how quickly they grow.  The new rose bed.

My purple salvia box, there are three varieties here.



Shazam bush

After locating the weird bzzz bzzz sound I discovered this bug digging a hole.

And surprisingly quickly, it would grab a few particles, fly out and away from
the hole several inches, drop the grains/pebbles and back in.

I have no idea what kind of bug it was, nor did I keep watching it forever.
The next day though.....

The hole was covered back and even with these little rocks which would have
been entertaining to watch the bug move.  I suspect it laid eggs in there.

A new arch we got to see if we could get that huge white
clematis to climb that direction and mix with the roses.

We spent Sunday of the holiday weekend in our lovely screen room
getting stuff done on our laptops.  It was warm, but it
is in the shade of an oak tree and there was a lovely breeze blowing.

Matilija poppy doing great.  Large flowers and those stems are 5 to 6 feet long.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...