Monday, October 22, 2012

More pics of yesterdays hike 10-22

I was having much difficulty last night getting these pictures uploaded, so here are the rest from yesterday's hike.  

The blackberry vines are just beginning to change color.
In the twelve hours of our first storm of the season we've gotten over an inch of rain.  We have also had lots of wind and it's cold of course.  They are getting snow in the higher elevations.  Our tomato plant blew over and a few orange cosmos, but that is all.  

Gracie does not like the rain and wind at all.  Larry think she ate too much turkey crap before he spotted her yesterday and that she is sick this morning.  She has just laid in her bed and hasn't played or talked to us at all.  She has been eating and drinking and the other end is working regular, so I imagine she'll feel better tomorrow.  I'm thinking she has storm issues from where ever she lived previously....she was acting like she was afraid we were going to do something bad to her.  I miss her annoying me with her bids to get me to play with her. :)

There are blackberry patches all over the place, I made sure
I made enough noise to let any snacking bears know we were coming!
I have finally completed the massive organizing of my pics and now I pass them all on to Larry to do the final.  I won't do that again!  Let them back up like that...I have all you as witnesses!  Now I can get onto other things guilt free.

The clouds were gathering into interesting patterns
and made the huge oak trees seem small.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...