Friday, October 12, 2012

He's Home!!!! 10-12

Connor and I had a lovely time together...he is so sweet and funny, with a temper and stubborn streak.  All the horses and chickens we saw on our walks were his and he had lovely conversations with all of them.  One horse was fascinated by him and walked from across the field to come see him...Gracie wasn't sure she liked that.  Connor loved walking Gracie and giving her treats.

Taking turns with my Kindle.
Tuesday afternoon Andrea, Scott and Ian arrived.  Andrea and Scott are officially a married couple and enjoyed their time at Lake Tahoe.  Ian had a great time with his Dad and family.  As usual once the parental units arrived on the scene the easily managed boy became a pill.  It was nice spending time with them all and they missed Larry.  They headed home on Wednesday afternoon.  

The stormy light looked cool on the garden,
but I don't think it show up here very well.
Larry left Idaho Wednesday morning and got home last night at 7:30.  He had been gone 28 days. 

Now some of you have wondered what Gracie thinks of Larry...they've had exactly nine days together in the past two months.  I heard the truck coming down the street and was waiting outside when Larry drove up.  He opened the door and once Gracie saw him she ran and jumped into the truck and into Larry's lap wriggling like a crazy thing and dancing around and whining.  I was thinking move it over and let the Big bitch in you little four legged traitor!  I didn't dance and whine but I squished into the front seat too for hugs and kisses!   We are happy to have him home!

Gorgeous, scrumptious smelling roses!!!
It was cold and cloudy today and we fired up the furnace for the first time this season.  I was wearing shorts last week.  It is supposed to warm up again this next week.  It would be nice to get some rain, the trees around here are turning brown instead of changing colors.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...