Friday, October 05, 2012

Home Alone...Almost 10-5

 This blog is acting weird tonight...hard to get the pictures placed and my text got stuck to a picture....but I am done.  Gotta charge up for tomorrow!

Those chrysanthemums are blinding in the sun.
Eleven roses and more than this still on the bush

Gracie and I have company until Tuesday...Connor!  He's a month shy of his third birthday and quite the character.  After dinner we went for a walk.  Connor moves at a trot, Gracie and I had to trot to keep up!  He jabbered the whole time, let's go this way and he kept telling Gracie and I..."lets go team".  Gracie was better with everyone's arrival today...she settles in better every day.  After Connor finally fell asleep I took my shower and when I came out I couldn't find Gracie in her usual spots....sure enough she was on the bed with Connor.

Trotting up the hill, he trotted back down too

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...