Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Truck is Back! 11-11

Sorry, I have forgotten or been too tired to do an entry.

We got the truck back Monday afternoon. They called after Michelle and I had left of course, so Larry walked down. He thought it sounded funny and vibrated when he started it up, but it was near closing and they told him to bring it back in the morning.

Michelle and Seth had a doctor's appointment and I went to sit with Seth in the waiting room until it was his turn. He played for awhile and then helped me with my knitting again by unwinding the yarn across the waiting room....I was knitting as fast as I could to take up the slack...the kid is a slave driver!

Being a Grandparent is so much more relaxing...if one of my girls had unraveled my yarn all over the place I would have had a cow and been worrying about what everyone around me was thinking. I am waayyy over that now...laugh!

It was good to get delivered back to the trailer and see the truck parked out front!!!

Yesterday we ran some errands (oh, yeah, Larry went to the mechanics, but nothing was wrong) and then because it wasn't raining and there was a bit of sun we walked aways up to the corner Chinese buffet for lunch. That was about our day...I made soup in the crockpot and then to help get rid of that nasty cooking onion smell I baked some triple chocolate brownies....they were WONDERFUL!!!

Today we were up early and at Michelle's to hang with Seth all day while he is out of school. Larry is keeping him entertained downstairs and I am typing quick before he discovers I am missing! Otherwise there would be more typos and jibberish than there is!

While the truck was at the mechanics Larry had them replace the serpentine belt...boy is that thing long....looked about 12 feet...probably half that, engines are amazing things. We should be good to go now for another 100,000 miles or so!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...