Monday, November 02, 2009

Transfer Case 11-2

The verdict is in on our is the transfer will be about 5 days being rebuilt up in Portland and then getting it all back together, so next week some time probably. Larry is having them check the transmission too and replace all of the belts on the engine while its in there.

We had some sunshine today, if we get some tomorrow there are some fine fall foliage specimans here in the park that I will get to pose for me and my camera. A tall bright holly tree and some stunning maples and smoke trees.

That is about it for us today. Larry walked the 3 miles from the auto shop...which isn't far when you walk as much as we do, but people are horrified that you want to do it. I washed sheets, towels and a blanket at the laundry while he was gone and cleaned the bathroom...thrilling stuff!

I also spent far too much time on the computer playing that stupid fish world game....I may need an intervention. I expect after the new wears off I will find something more constructive to do with my time...but I am exercising my brain right now with strategies for increasing my coinage and levels. I had better get the blanket I am currently knitting done so I can get started on another yarn project.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...