Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 11-26

We had a great night with Ian last night and had a lovely Thanksgiving day. It started off weird, I spilled hot coffee all over me and the inside of the truck as we were getting ready to head over a cleanup of the truck and a change of clothes for me and then we were back on track...jeez.

These pictures are ones Andrea took the other day of us and Connor and Ian.


KS said...

hi, there! I just stumbled on your blog and I'm really enjoying it! I have dreams of writing a book one day so i can afford to buy my parents an RV for their retirement fun!!

Valerie Moniz said...

Thanks Karen...glad people are enjoying what I write...I too think about writing a book...some day!

An RV is the best way to see this country! Nothing like having your own bathroom, kitchen and bed with you! We have loved it and have learned a lot by learning to live small....VM


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...