Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good time with Seth 11-14

We had a good night with Seth, as always.

Today though, Larry got the call that it was a go for another prescribed burn at the old Fort Ord on Monday. After running through all our options, we decided that the easiest for Larry and the most time efficient was for him to just leave me and the trailer here in Albany and for him to take the truck and go. I am a mere 3 miles from Michelle, so if I need anything she'll give me a ride. He needed to get to Greenville, Ca. tonight to get the truck and trailer so he could get to Marina by 2 p.m. tomorrow so he could get all the trailers set up and ready to go for Monday.

He won't get back up here until the end of the week, but thats okay...Connor will just have to miss us a couple of more days! Ian has the whole Thanksgiving week off from school so we'll have plenty of time with everyone once we get there. Andrea and Connor both will be feeling more human by then too.

After Grompa (Seth has his own unique pronunciations for both of us) left Seth and I took a walk across the nearby soccer and baseball field to the play ground equipment. He had a couple of new cars to test out. We had a great time. The rest of the afternoon we did puzzles and he drew pictures on our dry erase board and we sold and bought fish on the Fish World game on Facebook. He missed his Grompa, but he is more laid back when we are one on one...very nice.

Seth went home after 5 and I was again able to walk through the trailer without navigating in and around boy stuff!

1 comment:

~Andrea~ said...

Boy, Seth looks so much grown up since the last time I saw June. Crazy how fast they grow and change.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...