Thursday, July 16, 2009

Creating and Hummers 7-16

A quiet day for me today, Larry is out of town for a few days and the first day home alone I tend to do a lot of nothing. I did do the Wii Fit for almost an hour when I only planned on doing a teeny bit…the Wii’s piggy bank of workout time amounts to about an hour of real time when it clicks on 30 minutes, so that was good. I just can’t seem to stop reaching for at least that 30 minute goal and once I get beyond that I reach for the hour…very sneaky of the designers.

I did some laundry, did some reading, did some cyber communicating and grouted another mosaic. The air is so dry here you have to work fast and I think I started too dry to begin with…practice, practice. I glued some glass on another project and that is about it. Made some killer fried rice for lunch with all the leftovers in the fridge and called Larry to gloat over it….smile….he only made himself a sandwich.

In our travels watching how animals behave in different environments has been interesting. There aren’t that many hummingbird flowers in the desert…I have a couple of red Salvia’s that hummingbirds love and the hummers work differently out here…instead of a sip here or there and then zipping on, when this hummer shows up it stuffs its beak into the tube of the flower up to its face and works the flower over and then does that to every flower on the plant….it is funny watching it back up to get its beak unstuck out of some of the flowers that aren’t quite open all the way yet, but they need to get all they can before they move on. I haven’t tried a feeder…the solution gets so danged hot here.

These pictures are of the last two frames I have finished tiling. They turned out pretty good for only my second and third endeavors. The grout makes all the difference of course and the color chosen can really affect the final look of the piece. The last frame I have a before grout pic and the after picture. I like this one the best so far.

It was 101 here at some point today and now the sun has set and the wind is blowing, but it is still too hot to open up the windows. I prefer fresh air to being closed up and un covered windows to covered, but you do what you have to do to stay cool…I try to keep the house from being hot and stuffy and I keep the temperature of the a/c as warm as I can tolerate to conserve energy.

As it will probably be more of the same for me tomorrow, it might be a couple of days before you hear from me again and if it is…have a great weekend. Take the time to watch a bird!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...