Monday, July 27, 2009

Family Visit 7-27

This past week it has just been steadily 100 to 103 during the day and the evenings and nights have varied from pleasant to stuffy.

Thursday Andrea’s family arrived for the weekend and we had a good time of course. They couldn’t wait to get up here and play Mexican Train with us…crazy people. Mexican Train is a strategic domino game…lots of fun. We gave them the grand tour of the Fallon area and they were pleasantly surprised by how green it is here….I guess they don’t call it the Oasis of Nevada for nothing.

Andrea and Will left for home yesterday and Ian is staying here with us for a few more days…I’ll take him back home on Thursday…I had plans to go to Ukiah then anyhow…so it works out really well.

Ian wanted to play domino’s with us, but I told him I would teach him after his parents left and he has done really well considering he doesn’t know the strategy involved and you have to be patient…he counts every dot on the tiles he has left…good practice for him and I don’t have any reason to rush. Larry, Ian and I played a game together…it was a lot of fun…Ian has a wicked sense of humor and he knows how to back his doubles and click his tile when he has one left, we’ve played with adults who take longer to make a play than Ian does.

Today we enrolled Ian in swim lessons, he had started last week at home and we thought he could just continue here and is working out really well. Hard to take swimming lessons though when you don’t like getting your face in the water….can’t say I really blame him.

We were settled in for the day when Larry got called out, so he hit the road for the wilds of California. No more naps for me….laugh!!!

Ian took a lot of pictures with my camera last night…we have to edit them yet and then I’ll post a couple.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...