Friday, July 10, 2009

Truck fixed and a nice drive 7-10

I'm having an I can't put my words together in an interesting way evening....I'm too hot and tired so this will be short and short.
We went to Yerington to the small Chevy dealership there to get our blower motor control processor. It had arrived and then the parts man was kind enought to let Larry install it to be sure it was the right part and what we needed. Thankfully it was and $140 later we were back on down the road. Yerington is a nice little town and its valley is really green...lots of alfalfa fields.
We stopped in the Fort Churchill area that is on the Carson River where there are large old stands of Cottonwood trees and really tall sage brush...which is where we saw this guy...he moved like he was under strobe lights...really herky jerky.
We had lunch at the Black Bear in Fernley and then went to Lowe's where we spent about an hour in the tile/grout area and figured out the different merits of the grouts and picking colors and then looking at tile for current and future mosaic projects.
It was in the low 90's today and clouded up some late afternoon which is why it isn't cooling off like it usually does after dark...the clouds must be holding in the heat...though they seemed kind of thin, not much of a breeze either.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...