Monday, May 28, 2007

Another Coast Day 5-28-07

This crazy Bubbledog-boy spent the night at our place Friday night. We had a good time with him Friday. There is a quarter mile race track here at the fairgrounds and during our walk after dinner Ian discovered the gate onto the track was open. He wanted to run the track and we told him to go for it. I had to do the “ready-set-go” thing before he took off and he ran the whole thing with only one stop when he heard a noisy truck up on the freeway and was afraid that the race cars were coming to get him and had to look over his shoulder to be sure. I wish I had the camera with me. He ran over the finish line the winner! He was bright red and sweating, but wanted to go again, so he did in the other direction. Larry decided to go with him. They had gotten into the first turn and Ian veered down to the dirt in the center of the track and I could hear Larry ask him what was wrong and Ian informed Larry that he had “crashed”. Apparently this boy has seen a race or two; they continued on and at the halfway mark Ian slowed down again and said his tummy hurt, so Larry said we can cut through the center and Ian said no and set off running again and crossed the finish line. We were amazed, he is such an athlete already and only four years old! He ran a half mile and then ran circles around us back to the trailer. Needless to say after his bath and his “refueling” he was pooped and fell asleep quickly and slept like a rock. Kids are so much fun at this age.

On Saturday we hung out with Andrea and did our laundry at her place; love that role reversal. Sunday we swapped out mattresses; Andrea had gotten a new one and we liked the one she was getting rid of better than the year and a half old mattress we had so we switched.

Today we went to the coast with Andrea and Will. Ian was with his other Grandma today. It was in the low 90’s here in Ukiah and was in the low 70’s over in Mendocino and Fort Bragg. It was sunny with just a light breeze on the coast today. We walked the store fronts and enjoyed the flowers in Mendocino again. Had to check out my favorite artist’s work, Hilary Eddy; she paints very large acrylic paintings in vibrant, clear colors of my two favorite subjects, flowers and glass. Then we went on up to Fort Bragg and had lunch at Captain Flints on the wharf. Larry had a big bowl of Clam Chowder and I had the Fish n Chips, all very yummy. Then we walked around on Glass Beach and then we headed back home.

We hit the grocery store on the way home and now we are enjoying the lovely warm evening.

That’s Andrea’s new man, Will with her and Larry today at the beach and I caught this pic of him a couple days ago. The flower is an Iris and the rest are at Glass Beach in Fort Bragg.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...