Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Last day in Livingston 2-27-07

Yesterday and today were lovely, warm Texas days. It got to 82 yesterday and the high 70’s today. The Redbuds are starting to bloom and some trees are starting to leaf out.

Yesterday we took our walk, got our chores done and then headed over to Conroe to see Darcy. We are amazed, this was our first trip since we planted ourselves here on the first. Three years on the road and this is the first time we have not explored at all, but it felt good to stay home.

Darcy is getting along pretty well. She walks all over the hospital and uses the stairs so she can start getting herself back in shape. They are having a hard time getting her blood to thin out and they are taking it slowly. She is having physical therapy and she does a lot of that on her own. We were there about three hours, the time just flew by.

After we left there we found a little Mexican Restaurant stuck back in a corner. The food was really good and so was the service. We were both really glad that we hadn’t seen the bathroom before we ate. I was just hoping that they clean their kitchen better than the bathrooms. They were really bad. We got home just as the sun was setting.

Today we took our walk. Had our toast and then Larry washed the trailer and the truck. I did the laundry and worked on putting all my candles and stuff away. We took another walk before dinner, it was so nice, the sun feels really good.

We hit the road tomorrow and we are heading for Hondo which is west and a teeny south of San Antonio. We might stay around Austin which is about midway from here. It’ll just depend on how it goes.

Talked to Andrea today and it was snowing this morning and this evening in Ukiah, not a common occurrence. Ian thought it was very cool. Michelle is sick with whatever crud has been going around which is wreaking havoc with her college classes and Seth is starting to catch it. We’ll wait until spring to visit…smile.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...