Sunday, February 25, 2007

After the Storm 2-25-07

My last entry was the warmest day we have had. Yesterday and the night before we were having bad thunder storms again. Tornado was in the forecast for the day, but fortunately our storms never got that bad. I don’t like living in Tornado country. Give me a little shaking ground that doesn’t do much destruction most times over the constant threat of Tornados any day. I enjoy a good thunder storm, but when you get east of the Rockies, it seems every thunderstorm has the potential for those lovely, destructive, scary, dancing clouds. Maybe I’m just ultra-sensitive living in a target!

The first picture is after only 5 minutes of a Texas downpour. This little dry drainage ditch was a raging creek in just minutes.

This second picture is of yesterdays thunder clouds as they moved away from us. We had beautiful sunshine the rest of the day.

These last pictures are of a magnolia I found in bloom and of part of our daily walk.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...