Sunday, July 07, 2013


Just a quick check in.  We've had visitors since Wednesday.  Andrea, Scott and three of the kids came to stay over the fourth and returned home today.  Between that, the blasted heat, and  playing with the phone and learning from the kids I haven't had time to get on here.

It is amazing how much time it takes to learn the ins and outs of these new fangled devices.  It was finally cool enough tonight to sit in the car and synch our car's blue tooth to our new phone and as we were nearly finishing...the car's battery goes dead!!!  HA ha!  Sitting with the doors open and the key in the on position, talking to the car for a half hour and we get a dead battery.  Michelle says she's not so sure we are ready for the "smart devices"...brat.  We were talking to her from the car.

So, last night was finally a decent cool night where we could all get some good rest, and it is cool again tonight.  Last week the nights didn't get much below 78 which is not comfortable.

If I can pull myself away from the new phone I'll try to get blogged.  Oh, get this, we finally get unlimited texting, a phone that makes texting easy and we can NOT generate a text.  They are puzzled at Verizon and are working on the problem.  We have never been able to text, even with our flip phone, but because we didn't care to or want to I just figured I was doing something wrong when they didn't go through and we never pursued it.  We can receive texts and then respond back and forth on the thread as long as I don't try to send a new one to that person.  Crazy.

Off to dream land I go.  My brain needs a rest.  HUGS!!!!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...