Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More from Seth's visit

I am playing catch up here.  Still sitting in front of the computer researching apps I'm using on my phone and Google+, wanting to figure things out before I get in too deep with this phone and have to delete or redo a whole bunch of stuff.  We still aren't able to initiate texts by the way.  Larry is up to the highest level of techs and finds out that the first person I talked to didn't fill out the work ticket correctly so it was signed off on and a week wasted.  Larry suspects that the only way to get it fixed is a new phone number...ack!  But if that is what it takes, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

We saw The Lone Ranger yesterday.  It was really good.  I enjoyed it a lot, the story wasn't anything new, but the direction, special effects and cinematography made it really fun, and of course the comic thread through out with Johnny Depp as Tonto was great.

We have been back to regular temps here though unusually breezy, which actually keeps it nicer.

These pictures are from back when Seth was here.  Already a couple of weeks have gone by almost since he went home.

On the ride to Yreka

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...