Monday, August 27, 2012

More Bits 8-27

It is retracted.

This ugly creature was rousted out of our grape vine by Gracie the wonder tomato hornworm hunter dog.  She would touch it with her nose and it would swing around which would make her jump.  This must be the inspiration for the caterpillar worm in Alice in Wonderland...give it a little houka to smoke and it is IT.  I didn't know what the heck she was after until I got a long stick and moved the leaves response was EWWWW.  I hadn't seen one this large and I wasn't sure what it wasn't on the tomato plant and the grape vine hadn't been eaten.  Well, the next day Gracie was back at it and she found two more of them.  They must smell or make noise when they wiggle because she knew they were in there.  At least she didn't eat them after she tussled with them for awhile.
These two juvenile golden eagles were being overseen by the parents,
one was soaring so high it was a blip most of the time.

Juvenile golden eagles have those white patches under
their wings.
Last week having breakfast out in the garden I almost missed seeing these guys.  I heard a strange cry and from the direction thought it was some bird in a tree but my inner voice made me look and there they were soaring around just above our big pine trees.  They were playing and practicing their dives and my camera had a hard time getting a bead on them.  They hung out for awhile.  A couple of days later they came through again following a vulture on the thermals.  I had read that the vulture is the best at catching the thermals and that other birds of prey will follow along so it was cool to witness.  They are big, beautiful birds.

Cutie!  This little guy was running all over the
place after bugs.

The hummer is enjoying Larry's tomatoes.

The weather has been perfect!  Loving it a lot !

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...