Saturday, August 04, 2012

Garden Pics...mostly 8-4

echinacea, purple cone flower
The boys are back home.  Michelle's family went home Sunday and Ian went home on Monday.  Larry returned home early Monday afternoon, he had left on Thursday afternoon for a fire.  It was just me and the two boys for over 24 hours until Michelle and Darel showed up late Friday, I was exhausted, I missed my ...I was trying to come up with some witty sports player word and came up with I missed Larry being here to help and referee, ah there's one.

double delight roses
The flower garden peaked a week or so ago.  Everything that could be was in bloom.  Now the gladiolus are done for the season, but the roses are going into their second flush of the season, I will get another one towards the end of September.  There is still no lack of color for sure.

The plums were a trial, they were all ripening while the boys were here and the honeybees were on the split plums like it was their crack.  That tree sounded like a hive. I would roll all the plums on the ground into a pile and then we would scoop them up to get them out of there...they would be covered in bees and the bees don't just leave, they hang around looking, looking.  Picking was a challenge too, you had to be really careful you didn't grab one that a bird had pecked and opened so the bees would be on it.  We finally got tired of giving the tree a wide berth and worried about the boys getting stung, so we pulled off every last plum we could find so the bees would leave...and then it took a day before they quit looking.
lavender Simplicity roses

The two weeks with the boys went by so very fast!  It was far easier for me this time...due totally to getting in shape with my Pilates classes the last seven months...what an enormous difference!  It sucked feeling so old the last couple of years...I'm getting my mojo back now.

That is where we sit in the shade of the huge asian pear tree having our breakfast.

 These last pictures are some that Ian took.  He took quite a few good ones which I'll post later after I go through them all.
Ian of course :)

Me sans any make-up ready for bed, thanks Ian, at least
the wash of the flash hid stuff...haha.

Larry, he always looks good!  Yum...tee hee.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...