Monday, August 27, 2012


Oh, I forgot to tell you that the bear came through last evening.  Gracie was growling all evening, barking and generally acting weird.  My neighbor called after 10 p.m. after she had arrived home to say that the garbages had been tossed, of course it was garbage to the curb night.  Gracie kept the low growl going even after I had closed up the house for the night.

This morning we walked down to get the can and Gracie was shaking and sniffing at everything along the way.  The garbage men did a good job of picking up most of the garbage and about six feet from the cans was a large pile of bear poop, with plastic from the garbage in it.  I went up the hill and got the trailcam's memory card and sure enough it caught the bear coming down the hill about 8:30 p.m., it just caught it from its shoulder back...looks like the same bear to me, but of course no way to really tell.  It would have been nice to see it, they move so quietly for being so big and don't leave any prints...just poo. 

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...