Saturday, August 25, 2012

A quick hello 8-25

Every day I think about posting a blog and I run out of time or inclination.  It has been two weeks today since Gracie came to live here and the same since Larry left.  He is on a different fire now up south of McCloud.  It is in an area with little access and they foresee it getting quite large before they can get a handle on it, which translates into days and maybe another week or two before Larry gets released.  It could all change in a heartbeat and largely depends on the weather and resources available.  He met up with a bear on the road in his first night...the silly bear kept veering towards him and hit the side of the trailer and there were bear sightings at the helibase this evening.

I've been entertained by weird worms, golden eagles, hawks and hummingbirds.  I have to get the pictures edited and posted on here...hopefully tomorrow.  Gracie has been great company and is meshing in nicely.  Her only bad trait is she LOVES rubbing her body all over the carpet...well you can imagine how the carpet will look after several months of that, in spite of doggie baths and rinsings.  I guess I better check out some carpet steamers.

The weather has finally cooled down, first into the low 90's and the next several days into the high 80' it.  So I am off for my beauty rest.  Hello, good night and all is right in our world.

Today's dinner, just so pretty I had to take a picture.
The tomatoes and zucchini are from my garden.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...