Saturday, June 02, 2012

Lazy Writer 6-2

Today is an interesting day...Larry and I know at least six different people who celebrate their birthday is just one of lives little oddities to us.

Last weeks clouds
I am such a lazy, lazy writer.  Every day there has been some little tidbit to share and by the time I finish my day the thought of sitting and actually typing what I've composed in my head a few times into the hot computer just doesn't thrill me and I find something else to be doing.  

So to catch you up I will probably get things out of order, but you won't know the difference anyhow!  We spent most of last week emptying out the 5th wheel, Larry cleaned it inside and out and it is now in the driveway waiting for someone to come buy it and have fun, fun, fun with it.  It is tedious absorbing all the last bits from a former home into a current the house, in the shed or in the garbage?  That baby is spotless inside and out.

The past month was also humbling and full of introspection, for my sister Lori's best friend, a woman whom I admire and like a lot discovered she did not have kidney stones but actually has stage four Pancreatic cancer.  Such a roller coaster ride.  You never know what you would do in a situation unless you actually walk a mile in someone else's shoes...but as much as I care about Jennifer, I don't even want to walk a tenth of the path she is on right now.  The anguish, sorrow and anger Lori feels....I am just glad to be able to listen....  But what a friend to have!  Lori's career is caring for people battling all stages of cancer, but it is always different when it is "home".  

Last Saturday it rained and was cool, the past two days were in the low 90's, today was better in the high 80's but windy and Monday/Tuesday we are supposed to be down in the 60's and raining again...weird spring.  Our green slopes are fast becoming crunchy golden brown, which means we won't have to mow for several months...yay.

Today I was watering and one of the many lizards was licking the water off of the rock as it ran down the sides and raised its head into the mist like it was enjoying the shower.  They usually run off when the water hits them.

Where the plum tree was...I decided to plant my
zucchini and tomato plant there with elephant garlic...
the nasturtiums are volunteers.
Yesterday I uncovered a toad buried in the mulch of one of my rosebushes...scared me because it was a brown mushy looking blob and it took me a second to figure out what I was seeing...a toad back.  Then later an empty hole under a faucet by the house had a huge toad hunkered down in the just always seems so dry around here for toads and frogs but they are everywhere.

Day before yesterday we discovered a dead baby wood pecker on the path to the shop several feet from the oak tree where the nest is.  The adults must have pushed it out and away from the tree.  The most interesting thing though was that with whatever means they use, a buzzard knew that something was dead and kept landing and wandering around looking for its meal.  They are so silent that we weren't even aware they were there until they took off and we heard their wings flap.  They are huge big birds to be gliding over your head.  

Then the last nature story I can dusk last week I was looking out the window and I saw a Great Horned Owl swoop through and land on the telephone pole.  It sat there a bit turning its head this way and that, then lifted off again and was joined by another as it flew on its way.

 Hopefully I made sense, didn't make too many typos or grammatical errors!  Oh, and Happy Birthday to the June second people.  Hugs!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...