Friday, June 29, 2012

Hmmmmm...ers 6-29

Tis the season of flowers and if you hate either one you'll want to steer clear of my blog for a few months.  I just can't help taking pictures, which only a photographer would understand.  I know lots of people think how many pictures does one need of a hummingbird or a rose?  But every single shot is always different, shows a nuance that wasn't seen before and you never know when you'll get that one of a kind shot if you don't take a bazillion pictures!

The last few afternoons about the same time a coyote goes trotting over our hill, sometimes taking the time to leave its calling card and do the back leg scratching the dirt thing.  We are usually out on the deck and something tips us off and one of us sees it going by, because they don't make any noise. 

Yesterday morning one of our neighbors horses escaped and Larry and I went over there and eventually got him back in with his friend...who was raising a ruckus because he wasn't bright enough to get out....crazy animals.  Bandit lifted the gate right off the hinges and walked on wouldn't believe it if you saw how it was left, you would think a person would of had to have done it....oh yeah, I took a picture...tee hee because I had my camera over my shoulder and was in my sandals.  Which is not the footwear for being around an unknown horse.  I got the lead on his neck and then let Larry lead him back into the pen.  I had my bare toes stepped on by a horse in my youth and it isn't something you ever forget....900 plus pounds standing on your big toe and not moving off said big toe....HURTS.

 And now pictures, pictures....I couldn't pick so you get to see them all. :)
See, you wouldn't have known they have eyelids
and can look bored with you!

"Are you done yet?"

Morning light and I have my Tibetan Prayer flags up now.

We don't have cardinals but our house finches are a beautiful red!

S T U N N I N G !  See what I mean...  Can.  Not.  Stop.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...