Monday, June 18, 2012

Tree & Shrub planting 6-18

Last Monday we found the trees we've been wanting...a maple for shade and color in front of Larry's shop and then Crape Myrtle trees for color, shade and interest in our barren front yard area.  I love crape's because they bloom in the summer, they have a pretty compact shape and as they get older their trunks are really pretty...smooth and with neat texture/coloration and they are pretty in the fall too as their leaves change color.  We chose Arapaho for the red flowers and the burgundy foliage in the spring.  

We love planting trees, or I should say we like adding trees to our landscape....I am sure Larry would love to have someone else dig the holes in pure rock and plant the trees for us.  We also planted three crape myrtle shrubs in the corner by the deck and edged the deck with Russian Sage...the sage requires hardly any water once established.  We are experimenting with some other perennials that are supposed to need little water and the deer don't eat...time will tell.

I know many of you have enjoyed following our progression here and we are amazed by how much we've done and how far it has come in almost two years.  I will of course keep you posted with pictures as all this stuff grows and gets gorgeous.

 The deer aren't supposed to eat maple or crape myrtle trees but at the nursery they told us to fence the trees until the trunks mature because the bucks like to use saplings/young trees to rub their antlers on.  Now that we have all this stuff planted, we'll study on what we will want to do next.  We made additions to the flower garden too, but I haven't taken any pictures yet so that will be for another day.  It was a bit cooler today...high 80's maybe but very windy all night and all day.

1 comment:

Peg Cherre said...

Why is the oval of soil gray? At first I thought it was concrete, but it's obviously not, since Larry was digging in it.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...