Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The End 6-5

I just love when everything falls into place!  Larry pulled the trailer into the driveway on Thursday and wrote and posted the listing on Craigs List.  We got one call of interest on Friday.  On Saturday Larry realized he could have the listing post in another area (it was posted in Sacramento area), so he posted it in Yuba/Sutter.  It wasn't a half hour when the phone rang, and it was our potential buyer from Live Oak.  They had been looking for two years (about how long we have been done with the trailer), wanted more storage and a walk around bed, loved my pictures and arranged to come see it Sunday.  They did, spent two hours going through the trailer and talking to us about it, they loved it...Sold!

They came back this evening to bring the check and take it home...  It drove off into the sunset...literally!  They are regular people, not flakes and they are experienced RV'ers which made the whole experience easy.  Really, really nice to have it gone and not just sitting here deteriorating and losing value.

Yesterday was garbage pick up day and it seemed a bear decided to sample from the cans up and down the street.  We can tell because the bears actually carry the bags away from the cans and sometimes quite a distance before they rip into them.  We spent some time today speculating on where to mount the trail cam to watch the cans on the next garbage day, but there was a chance that it wouldn't return for quite awhile on garbage day (it's not like it has a calendar in its pocket).  
Fat, Big Bear

Larry brought the trail cams SD card inside to offload the pictures so we could see what had been cruising through.  Well, from yesterday morning there was BIG bear heading off along the wildlife highway at the top of our hill, maybe going home after its raiding of the garbage cans.  I took some pictures today to try and give you a perspective of where the trail cam is in relation to the house.  These huge animals can move so quietly and unless the windows are open you don't hear them unless they roar or knock something over.  When it is a Momma and babies they are a little noisier.

We've gotten pictures of deer, coyote, fox, jack rabbits, turkey, squirrel, cats, dogs, blue-jay, quail and even a couple bats (they were flying through when a deer had triggered it) and now a bear.  Its a regular thoroughfare.

That's the camera on the skinny stump.

Here's a shot back towards the house with the trail cam in front.
Its hard to see, the stump looks like a white line in the center top area

From the deck.

It was breezy and cold, but the clouds were pretty.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...