Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day to Day 5-24

We've just been busy on Spring projects.  Larry was building shelves in the shed and dropped a sheet of plywood on his big toe.  I took pictures but I won't gross you out with them...he did it first thing and never stopped to check it or put ice on it until late afternoon, such a man.  I still feel nauseous thinking about it...fool, all day working, walking...excruciating pain...enough...on to prettier things.

I've just been working in the yard mostly and taking care of stuff in the house and of course taking pictures.  The garden is so colorful and fragrant...yum.

I got all my babies potted up one day.  Five fuchsias
and ten japanese maple seedlings that I dug up out of Michelle's yard.

Some cool solar eclipse shadows.

Who knew that chrysanthemums bloomed in the Spring?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...