Tuesday, May 01, 2012

More Burgundy Clematis Pics 5-1

Happy May Day!  This clematis vine is getting more stunning every day so you are just going to have to endure more pictures of it.  The white one will be next and the roses are getting ready to open so you can bet there will be LOTS more pictures of flowers.  

The big coyote was hanging out in the yard this evening like it belonged here...it was either hunting quail or just torturing the neighbors german shepherd and was taking a break.  It stood there for awhile and then just sat down, I couldn't get its picture without scaring it off.

Oh, I almost forgot, a few more pictures from our visit to Andrea's on Saturday at the end.

friend Rachel, Chloe, Larry and Ian

Chloe, Scott's youngest...she's three

Destiny, Scott's oldest daughter

cutie Connor and Andrea

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...