Monday, May 07, 2012

work, work, work 5-7

Yesterday we were up and at'em before breakfast.  Off to the HD for a pile of sheetrock and insulation for the shed.  That sheetrock is not light...we loaded it onto the cart and then we hefted it from the cart to the truck.  The truck was weighed down for sure.  I suited up to assist with the ceiling installation of the insulation and the sheetrock.  Larry finished the rocking this evening...all the pieces are up and just has a bunch more nails to put in and the wiring to finish and we can start moving stuff into the shed.  It makes such a huge difference to have the shed doesn't get nearly as hot as the air temp.  I have to get some finished pics tomorrow.

Today while Larry was working in the shed I did an hour of mowing weeds...had to be done, but with the warm up of the weather this week hopefully they'll quit growing.  The heat has made the flowers start popping.  Roses, clematis and dutch iris all opened today.  More weed pulling and I had to spray the roses for blackspot this evening...the systemic stuff isn't doing the trick for some reason.

All pretty with its paint job.

Readied for insulation and sheetrock

Not a good look, but beats inhaling glass

top view of an iris

Stunning white clematis.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...