Yesterday was sunny and back in the 60's. After the weekends rain it was all fresh and clean and shiny outside. We took a two mile hike in the rec area and the fun thing about hiking after rain is the animal tracks you find in the mud. We saw the usual; horse, deer, dog/coyote and then we saw mountain lion tracks....ooh. Hey we thought it was fun.
I re-pruned my hedge roses taking out the crossing branches or weak looking ones now that all the leaves have fallen or blown off and I could see the canes. It was woodpecker bathing day. They were having a lovely time using the bird bath, one seemed to be doing its best duck imitation and then a sissy one would come along and just flip water with its beak and looked like a scared kid testing the water.
Today was cloudy and then later became drippy and misty. The fog and mist is a nice change, it fills everything in and we seem all alone. I had another enlightening day at Pilates class. I learn something new about my body and get a great workout. Today's was a bit painful, not because of what I was doing but because of my ouchy leg, but every day results in positive changes.
Oh, when you have leftover home made butternut squash soup it makes a wonderful sauce over mushroom/cheese ravioli...yummy.
So that's the latest! Have a lovely day and weekend! :)
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