Sunday, January 08, 2012

Post Invasion 1-8

Larry's of the kids on the hike...Ian is a dot below the trees in the middle.

One of Ian's pics using Gramps camera.
We survived the invasion...they swarmed in, Friday and swarmed back out today.  Andrea, Connor (Ian was already here), her man Scott and his two oldest Destiny 12 and Isiaih 15.  Larry took them all on a five mile hike yesterday while I stayed home with Connor the Terrible Two Year Old Terrorist.  He and I had a lovely time together,  we walked all over the place, he listened well and then at nap time went down with a minimum of fuss and slept for over 2 hours.  Everyone except Larry was worn out from the walk.  Last night everyone learned and played Zonk.

It may be a little bit before the next entry...take two on the computers hard drive.  The "right" one arrived and now Larry will see if it fits and then start the ugly process of getting it all set up and running.
Andrea and Connor

Brotherly Love

Our full moon last night had a thick ring around it.

Action photos...UP.....

and going DOWN.

Ian & Destiny in the middle, Isiaih and Scott on the left and Andrea and Connor on the right...Larry in the back

Miss Vickie...LOOK!  My first blooming baby of the year, all the rest are sending up flower stalks too.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...