Monday, March 22, 2010


I felt it was time for a change. We aren't traveling the way we were when I started the blog and the direction has changed from writing about our travels. I haven't even been sure if I would continue with the blog at all so time will tell.

I will get some photos up of Lindsay's wedding later today hopefully!


michelle said...

here i am! i have been waiting for wedding pics...tsk tsk. love you!

Stephanie said...

I got your email too! I always enjoy reading your blogs!

Unknown said...

I got the email too! Always enjoy reading your blogs!

Juanita said...

Don't stop writing and posting your pictures! You are inspiring me to blog. I've started, but am having trouble figuring it all out. My grandson is such a great help (Lenny's son, Scott), but he's too far away. Just keep on, I look forward to reading about your travels or your views or whatever!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...