Monday, March 22, 2010

Lindsay's after party and next day 3-22

After the reception and the hall closed (at 9 p.m.) the Bride and Groom took the party a few blocks away to a Sports Bar. They weren't leaving until Monday for the Honeymoon in Mexico and Lindsay wanted to get all the miles she could out of her wedding gown!
The Piano Bar that was their destination was too busy so they decided to hang out down the street. Well, it was a Saturday night, downtown Columbus and a hockey game had just gotten out (we were in the arena area) so the bars were packed!!! We went to keep Lori company, she was determined to keep up with the kids...Larry and I have never done the crazy bar scene and because I knew my girls would never believe we were there I had Lori get some pictures!

The noise level was off the charts and the crush of people...who-eeee. I don't know how people think that is fun! We hung out for about a half hour and then we toddled off down the streets to find a nice quiet restaurant to get something to eat.

The next day we met the kids at the Blackburn Farm where they opened the gifts that they received at the wedding. It was nice to see them all relaxed and happy. A friend had personalized the track suit for Lindsay...very cute!

1 comment:

Cousin Stephanie said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing them! Hey, btw, how come you are staying close by and haven't come to visit us yet???? No excuses!!! xoxoxo


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...