Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello! 3-10

Sorry people, just not much going on with us right now. Have had lots of rain and cloudy days and when we do see the sun we try to get out in it. We take walks most mornings if it doesn't look like it'll rain on us.

One day we walked around a nearby regional park which had the usual geese and ducks on a pond and some flowering trees in bloom near the basketball courts. The natural oak area was a disc golf course, so we had to be careful we didn't get a frisbee to the head on the path that wound through.

Looking forward to the big wedding on Saturday so you'll not hear from me again until afterwards with pictures of course. As always the time has flown by...Lindsay told us about the wedding two years ago and here we

The poppies are in a neighbors flower box. We have had a pretty peaceful week, our neighbors on both sides have been gone...can't do much about being at the end of the municipal airport runway...on a sunny weekend day they are putting out of there one after the other...noisy little buggers.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend! We get to Spring our clocks forward this weekend...woo hoo! (I personally vote for leaving them one place or the other permanently)

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Can you believe this I am actually on you're blog. For some one that really hates blogs, facebook and the rest, it just shows that I am a true friend.
The pictures of the flowers are great but I like the toilet in old Auburn.
Hope all is going well. I have starts for my garden in the house and have been working in the yard.
No flowers yet, actually we are just starting to get little buds of leaves on the trees, so flowers will be a while.
Love you,


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...