Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March is Gone Already 3-31

Happy spring! I cannot believe we have been in Auburn two months…it has gone by really fast. We got in some exploring and visiting, but with stuff that kept coming up we didn’t get in as much visiting as we would have liked. Our trip to Ohio broke the time up differently for us too.

Auburn, being in Placer County which is the Worlds Endurance Capital has miles and miles of trails just outside of town, but with Larry healing tendonitis in his foot and the weather making things muddy we haven’t had a chance to explore any of them, next time hopefully.

Back in the 70’s construction was stopped on the Auburn Dam project which would have put most all of those lovely trails and all that history under water. The Foresthill Bridge is the tallest in California and was built to traverse the lake and there was a housing development that even cropped up called Auburn Lake Trails which “banked” on being exclusive lakeside property.

There have been noises made about trying to revive interest in the damn, but economically it just makes more sense to make Folsom Dam taller and stronger…time will tell, in a state like California where drought is part of its cycle it is a shame that so much water just runs to the ocean every year when it does get good water.

Tomorrow we pull up our stabilizers, pull in the slides, hook up the truck and hit the road to Ukiah for a week or two before heading up to Michelle’s…time for our kid fix.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Spring 3-23

We took a drive the other day from here, down 49 to Camino on 50 then to Shingle Springs where we did some shopping at Walmart and then had a great lunch at a large Mexican restaurant there off the highway. Then we decided to drive on down to the Costco at Folsom and then back to Auburn along the Folsom/Auburn highway through old town Folsom and Granite Bay. There were some monstrous mansion/estates through We drove past this lovely pink orchard just north of Placerville along 49. The daffodils I bought at the market but they are out on the picnic table...their scent was making our eyes burn...they are lasting a LONG time out there in their peanut butter jar of water.

Monday, March 22, 2010

More pics from Lindsay's wedding day 3-22

Silly sisters.

Lindsay's after party and next day 3-22

After the reception and the hall closed (at 9 p.m.) the Bride and Groom took the party a few blocks away to a Sports Bar. They weren't leaving until Monday for the Honeymoon in Mexico and Lindsay wanted to get all the miles she could out of her wedding gown!
The Piano Bar that was their destination was too busy so they decided to hang out down the street. Well, it was a Saturday night, downtown Columbus and a hockey game had just gotten out (we were in the arena area) so the bars were packed!!! We went to keep Lori company, she was determined to keep up with the kids...Larry and I have never done the crazy bar scene and because I knew my girls would never believe we were there I had Lori get some pictures!

The noise level was off the charts and the crush of people...who-eeee. I don't know how people think that is fun! We hung out for about a half hour and then we toddled off down the streets to find a nice quiet restaurant to get something to eat.

The next day we met the kids at the Blackburn Farm where they opened the gifts that they received at the wedding. It was nice to see them all relaxed and happy. A friend had personalized the track suit for Lindsay...very cute!

Lindsay's wedding Part II 3-22

These are pictures that Lori took...the one of Lindsay and Jaclyn are before the ceremony and the rest are of the reception and a few of Lindsay cutting loose on the dance floor with a bunch of her girlfriends. The handsome brothers are the Groom, Jesse Blackburn and his brother Chase.

Lindsay's wedding Part 1 3-22

I decided to post the pictures of Lindsay's wedding in parts to make it easier for me to upload. This first batch are pictures that I took.

Sometimes I can't get the words here to line up with the photos right so I'll tell you that you'll see: my sister Lori, the mother of the bride; Lindsay the bride; her dad Mark walking her down the aisle; the groom Jesse Blackburn, his best man is his brother Chase; Jaclyn, the bride's sister is the maid of honor and there is me in there too.


I felt it was time for a change. We aren't traveling the way we were when I started the blog and the direction has changed from writing about our travels. I haven't even been sure if I would continue with the blog at all so time will tell.

I will get some photos up of Lindsay's wedding later today hopefully!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello! 3-10

Sorry people, just not much going on with us right now. Have had lots of rain and cloudy days and when we do see the sun we try to get out in it. We take walks most mornings if it doesn't look like it'll rain on us.

One day we walked around a nearby regional park which had the usual geese and ducks on a pond and some flowering trees in bloom near the basketball courts. The natural oak area was a disc golf course, so we had to be careful we didn't get a frisbee to the head on the path that wound through.

Looking forward to the big wedding on Saturday so you'll not hear from me again until afterwards with pictures of course. As always the time has flown by...Lindsay told us about the wedding two years ago and here we

The poppies are in a neighbors flower box. We have had a pretty peaceful week, our neighbors on both sides have been gone...can't do much about being at the end of the municipal airport runway...on a sunny weekend day they are putting out of there one after the other...noisy little buggers.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend! We get to Spring our clocks forward this weekend...woo hoo! (I personally vote for leaving them one place or the other permanently)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Rain, New Hair and a Cutey 3-2

We have been having a lot of rain again. We went for a drive yesterday and I forgot to go through the pictures, so maybe tomorrow for that. Today was exciting for color and cut...woo hoo!!! So exciting and so scary because with all this traveling it can be hard to find someone that you click with and does a good job. Well, I lucked out today...a wonderful young woman that works in a most unique way and I had a great time and came home with great hair...yay! Look at this cutey...Connor is almost 4 months old, his Mom Andrea went back to work yesterday and Will his Dad is staying home being Mister Mom. They say that Connor is a drooling fool, cutting his first miserable for the little people. Larry has been on my computer a lot, he was able to get Vista off of it and XP on it...he likes XP a lot better and so he has been configuring everything and fixing things that need fixing and backing things up so when I get unlimited access I'll get my pictures done and posted here...maybe.
Oh, and yesterday was Lori's birthday...entering her last year of her 40's!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...