Larry pulled in last night just as it was getting dark, I had the gates open and lights on and he backed everything in the yard with nary a problem...of course. He was beat...he had put on 937 miles in his three days of taking care of business, not to mention all the stuff he was taking care of.
Today he finished unloading and showed me the fancy steps for the camper...they arrived here on Monday, just before he pulled out...they sure would have been nice to have on our return trip from Washington...

Because he is smart and knows how to read schematics and wiring diagrams he tracked down our trucks problem to a blower moter control we go to Yerington at the Chevy dealership to get the part tomorrow...he just pulled the fuse to that area in the meantime so our batteries are not being drained.
I worked on glueing my mosaic to the frame is like putting together a jigsaw first effort is kinda of busy, but I wanted to use a lot of different colors and glass, my second is a little more sedate, but flashy still, tomorrow I'll pick up a few colors of grout and hopefully get one grouted. I also have to glue the second frames pieces to the frame...I just laid them out today. The glueing gets a little messy and a few times I would touch the glass with a gluey finger, then I would have to clean it off...but I managed without too much of a mess! I need to remember to take pictures...I get involved and then forget to photograph my progress. I am going to start taking pics of the layouts in case I bump them before I get a chance to get it glued on. I would be pretty unhappy if after spending an hour or so on a design and then knocking the whole thing all over the place...I would probably end up saying some potty words!
I am going to start haunting the thrift shops and yard sales for cheap china, broken etc. and at the same time look for subjects to mosaic...I already have a few lined up....Laugh.