Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stuff 6-21

You know you’re a Redneck when you use your boat/trailer to move furniture and your stuff to your new location! Larry called it Yankee Ingenuity and now I’m a little worried that he might have a smidge of redneck in him….Laugh! I can see using a horse or stock trailer…they are empty and have sides, but a boat has seats, the motor, bulkheads and other stuff in the way! But these people just kept going back and forth down our street…I guess it beat a rental fee and their boat looked a little rough anyhow!

Today was a nice day, stayed in the low 70’s and was a little breezy, but the sky in the desert can’t be beat. No smog and the sky is always so blue and with the white poofy clouds floating by, just stunning.

We are having a lot of fun with our Wii Fit. We had a really stressful day a few days ago dealing with DMV issues and later I got busy creating my Mii persona and then Larry wanted to create his too and before we knew it we had been dinking around over an hour making our cyber-selves…too funny. We had to get just the right eyes and the spacing JUST so and on and on…crazy. We are kinda hooked on some of these activities right now…first figuring them out and then improving our scores…it sure does burn the energy!

We worked on getting our soaker hoses adjusted in our planting beds again today, the way we had them wasn’t working the best. I love having bees and birds back in my yard and being able to pick a flower or pull a weed. Have missed that living on the road…a bathtub too!

Our good friends Lou and Vickie stopped and visited with us for the day on Friday…they were on their way home from Idaho. I made my homemade chicken enchiladas and with my fun Fiesta Ware the food and table looked like a picture….a shame I didn’t think to take a picture! Lordy, I can just kick myself when I forget to take pictures…but sometimes life just has to be experienced…not frozen.
This Gerbera Daisy was sitting on my kitchen table today.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...