Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back in Nevada 5-6-07

Today we were on the road by 8:26. We continued west on 24 from Hanksville, we made a few stops in Capitol Reef National Park to enjoy the scenery. We had to rock climb down a slope to see this waterfall….ooowee, I am out of shape…gotta start building up the quads.

Where 24 met I70 we crossed 70 and continued north to pick up 50. We had to go south on 15 for a small bit and then back to 50 west. Not a lot of traffic on any highway we were on today except for I15 and that wasn’t even bad.

Thunder clouds built up in the afternoon and we had a cloud burst on us in Utah before we crossed over into Nevada. We crossed the state line at 3:10 Mountain time and had to switch to Pacific time. This picture is heading west just crossing into Nevada.

We decided to land in Ely, Nevada for the night. We got in at 3:45 Pacific time and we traveled 339 miles today. We are staying in the RV Park at the Prospector Hotel and Gambling Hall. We had a nice dinner in their little Café.

Utah is a gorgeous state. We climbed at least 5 summits today and the highest was 8,385 feet, the rest were in the 6 and 7,000 feet levels. Even at these high elevations and the patches of snow on the ground it was still warm, in the 70’s. A couple of those summits were in Nevada; Nevada’s eastern mountains are pretty too, lots of Juniper trees.

I’m sorry this sounds like a boring book report, I am trying to get it composed during commercials of the Dancing with the Stars show that we love and I keep losing my flow and train of thought. Again today we just traveled through a lot of beautiful country and tomorrow we get to travel the Loneliest Highway in America, ALL day long, US Highway 50 back to Fallon.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...